What We Do

At Fit 4 Life, we believe our lives are supported by four distinct and interdependent pillars; physical, nutritional, mental, and lifestyle wellness. When our pillars are in optimal balance, we are supported for longevity, success, and fulfillment. When they are not, the journey of our lives becomes a lot bumpier, less fulfilling and more energy consuming. And over the last decade, we have invested in ourselves so we can provide well-rounded, science-based, services to help create optimal balance in your life. At Fit 4 Life, we offer personal training, nutrition coaching, and life coaching.

Personal Training

What does it mean to be fit? At Fit 4 Life, we believe that to be truly fit, your exercise program will develop you in all four components of fitness: aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Proper balance of all four components will improve biomechanics, stimulate energy, boost immune systems, reduce risk of injuries, build strength, and above all, make you feel good and make life easier.

Click here for information on the 4 Components of Fitness

Group Fitness

Fit 4 Life Boot Camp is a fresh, challenging, and exciting 60-minute program. It’s a total body workout, featuring strength, cardio, and core exercises that are designed to improve your fitness level – whether you’ve been working out for years or just getting started. Our supportive, science-based approach encourages you to reach your individual goals. Because you are using your large muscle groups to move through multi-joint movements, you are burning an incredible amount of energy. Recovery from these workouts takes up energy too, thus, your metabolism will get a boost even when at rest.

Classes are Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 5:30am and 6:45am.

Bring a friend or make a new one and start your Fit 4 Life journey! 

Nutrition Coaching

Simply put, your body cannot properly function without the right balance of nutrients. The right intake can work wonders for your body from breaking weight-loss plateaus to improving athletic performance, upping energy, boosting immunity, digestive health, sleep and mood, and transforming skin and hair.

We will begin by getting to know each other and uncovering your relationship with food and your body and unravel the “why” behind your unwanted eating habits. We will also assess and analyze your resting metabolic rate (RMR), and baseline body composition data, including body fat, lean mass and bone density.

We will then come up with a big picture plan that fits your needs, lifestyle, and any health conditions and provide you the knowledge and tools to help you properly nourish your body. We will teach you why you need certain nutrients and how they work with your body to sustain energy and vitality, and to prevent disease. You will learn the right combination of foods to put into your body, how to time your meals, and strategies to help you avoid harmful foods – especially those often sold as ‘health foods.’

Life Coaching

Knowledge and understanding of our “real self” is perhaps the most priceless possession we can have. Our core strengths and values are the principles that guide us into the unknown; they enable us to make certain we choose the "right” job or career, the "right" relationships, or the most optimal future. Having a sense of purpose, feeling that our life has significance, and living for our passions are what transcend us to lifetime fulfillment and lasting legacies. Life coaching is the process of helping you discover your “real self” and using that to identify and achieve personal goals and to live authentically.

There are many external forces that try to dictate how we live our lives, but happiness, serenity, and personal growth are only possible when we are living as ourselves - not as mere byproducts of others' desires. Together, let’s rediscover the true meaning of health and discover what you are truly capable of.